Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chinese Trip Day One

We were all able to make it safely to China, allthough it was a close call with Daniel, who made it to RDU an hour or so late. Luckily everything turned out ok. Today we were on the plane for most of the time. We went from Raleigh to Chicago to San Francisco to Shang Hai, making a total of 20 hours of being on a plane. Being on the plane was very boring. It was hard to go to sleep, despite the fact that we were exhausted, and the entertainment offered by the airline (Jumper, 27 Dresses) was not particularly good or entertaining. Some were able to kill the boredom will conversation, while others read books or listened to music. Personally I do not know how the food on the plane was because I was asleep, but I got the idea that it was pretty bad.

When we got on the bus we learned many things about the city. For example, the Huang river, also refered to as the mother river of shanghai, cuts the city of 20 million people into 2 halves. The 400 meter wide river is spanned by a suspeneded bridge. Notably the first suspeneded bridge ever constructed in China. We also learned about the many methods of transportations, suich as trains buses and elevated roads. This creates 'layers' of Shanghai. Transportation has also improved dramatically through the upgrading of the train system. A train used to take aprproxamatly 19 hours to travel from Shanghai to Beijing. Now, the same trip takes only 9 hours. There are also many diferent types of architechture in Shanghai, you can look into the street and see a classical chinese building standing next to a tall western skyscraper. Some of the most famous architecture is found at the center of Shanghai. For example, the rotating resturant on top of the raddison building. There is also a strong push by the government to replace old buildings. Shanghai is known as both the shopping and business center of China. There are many different marketplaces and apartment stores all over Shanghai, some even refer to Shanghai as a paradise for shoppers. The thriving and diversity of domestic and foreign business working side by side in Shanghai can be traced back to opportunists or foreign adventureers who began coming to Shanghai on a large scale about 100 years ago. Besides being a center for shopping and business it also is a city that has an exciting night life. Our tour guide mentioned many things that make the city feel more alive at night, such as teenagers going out on the town (of course, we would never consider such a thing).

We ate at a place called The minority resturaunt. Interstingly enough in China minority does not have a negative conotation, it is just said as a matter-of-fact statement. at dinner we saw a variety of entertainment coupled with a plethora of food. However, when we firstg showed up at the redstruant there were already 3 tour buses present in the parking lot because clearly the place was catering to tourists. Hopefully we will imerse ourselves more in everday Chinese life in days to come.

We are all so excited to be here and look foward to a good trip.

Its really late, and we are very tired, please excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ms. Lee's number is 0118615002184550