Friday, May 30, 2008

Hua Mountains

Greetings all! This is the great and mighty all powerful all Chinese knowing student, Joshua Rowsey. I have been held prisoner against my will, and have been forced to entertain you by providing literary illustration on what has happened today in the mystical land of China. So what can I tell you? I could tell you that I climbed a mountain, but it is the journey that this mountain brought that you may find most interesting. While taking a quick bus ride up to the base of the mountain I was presented with a cable car as a form of transportation up the mountain. While climbing up this mountain in this luxurious cable car I was thinking to myself, “Getting up to this mountain is easy”. Then the cable car stopped and I had an excellent view of the GLORIOUS Hua Mountains. With this GLORIOUS view I presented with a task: to climb this GLORIOUS Mountain all the way to the top. Let me sum of my experience of climbing this mountain in as few sentences as I can.

Climbing this mountain was a horror that can only be related to sticking a giant hot needle within your thigh and pushing it even more within you skin with ever step you take. Overall this experience was one to remember, the view that you take in while on top of the mountain is one of breath taking proportion. I was impressed with the beauty that nature has brought on this trip. Climbing this mountain can not be the only experience that I can give you, because my Chinese teacher does not believe in short journal entries. Is there more to tell? Of Course there is. As many of you may know I am a violin playing, Chinese learning, national swimming African American. But in China the citizens view black men like big foot: a very big myth. So you can expect the huge reaction when a Chinese citizen comes across one the 9th wonder of the world: the black man.

I have been stopped, looked at, pointed, and laughed at so many times that there is not enough time to describe each incident. In America I am just another student, but in China I am viewed as a celebrity higher than that of Denziel Washington, Will Smith, and Chris Rock combined. With this swarm of praise between my very diverse (not really) admirers I am part way not wanting to return home where I am just a normal student. On that note I am going to sign out, hopefully my roommate Cameron Setzer can provide you with some more insight on the magical journey we call China. A quick shout out to my parents: Yes I am still alive, and have not yet been arrested. I hope all that are reading this appreciate all the things that they have such as clean air and water.

This is Joshua Rowsey signing out,
Have a good day.