Monday, June 9, 2008

Great Wall, Jade, Stores and Pizza

Total length commonly known as Chang Cheng = 4000 miles and 6000 km
Four sections complete it
Built in Ming Dynasty but it took 2000 years to complete
Over 300,000 soldiers and prisoners of war died making it
In 1998 Bill Clinton was a visitor
Highest point is 1050 meters
5 horsemen and 10 soldiers wide

It is common knowledge that the Great Wall is greatness. Since the 6th grade we have all strived to reach the Great Wall of China. This was our Great Adventure of today. The dream became a reality. We were so excited and it was all we expected. We had an hour and a half to explore and it really never ended. In groups of different sizes and diversity put stairmasters at Lifetime Fitness and Gold’s Gym to shame. Even though it has been rebuilt many times trying to keep the authenticity, the steps were of different sizes and stability. We each broke off into determined groups setting different goals and creating our own experience. We all shared the hot weather and beautiful greenery surrounding us. It was so long and winded on a huge mountain range. The great adventure was not as cliché as we expected it to be. The immense emotion of the ancient tourist attraction was definitely an experience that can be relieved. I (Jacyln) saw a man who was wearing a business suit and a girl in high heels, who knows how they could handle the wall. When it was time to go down most of us went down a slide, that was made of metal and we rode on a small sled. You could push forward or pull back and change your speed. We sped down the mountain and pretty much all experienced being slowed by the elder tourists of the wall.

Our tour guide has been taking us to a lot of friendship stores, including where we ate our lunch after going on the Great Wall. At the friendship store I (Catherine) ran into a family that was really exciting to meet because from all places they were from Cary, North Carolina. The world is so small sometimes! Friendship stores are places that are owned buy the government, which means no bargaining and expensive stuff. After lunch we went to a jade friendship store, where they showed us different types of jade. Jade is not as simple as I thought. There are different colors of jade including green of course and yellow and purple. Jade is the 2nd hardest stone, has a soft feel (so soft that concubines used to use it as a pillow) and the sound. Jade is known for bringing good health and wealth and a good lifestyle. We spent a good hour at the store looking at all the beautiful stuff. Most of us felt drained by the expensive prices and pointless soccer ball jade, but it was neat to see the continuation of pride that this country has for its resources.

After the jade factory we previewed the Olympic facilities. We saw the Crow’s Nest where most the stadiums are and we saw the bubble that expands around the pool. Our tour guide informed us about the 7 Star Hotel that was not complete, but would be in a month. The new apartments and updated landscaping put the Olympic countdowns and paraphernalia around China to shame. We did not get to go into anything, but hearing that 16 billion dollars was put into this city was enough to understand how important this is to China. We saw the grounds where there was nothing 15 years ago, but now holds the future homes of people in Beijing, after the Olympics.

From there we went to a market with fake designers and Chinese style clothing. I think just about everyone has a valuable story to tell from their experiences bargaining. That is really when you see the Chinese language blossom.

Dinner was an American buffet. Not as worthwhile to write about, but I will say that it was the equivalent of bad Chinese food in America. Dorian got to celeb rate his birthday with a start of pizza, and fried food galore. Fortunately I think the Great Wall was enough to compensate.
Two more days and some change and most of us will be on our way home

With love,

Catherine and Jaclyn